Absolute Obedience Gameplay

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
  • After all, in Absolute Obedience, that's what male rape is: one big joke. I'm sure that all of the men who have been raped or molested at some point in their lives - people who have already been taught by our cruel society that they should feel ashamed and humiliated - won't get the joke.
  • Androids are a normal part of human life and the men, women and children who encounter them on a daily basis have come to expect nothing short of absolute obedience from their robotic creators. But sometimes the androids stop doing what they’re told and, in the new Detroit: Become Human gameplay trailer, we get a startlingly clear idea of.
  • But despite the simple gameplay Absolute Obedience offers a variety of very complex character designs for the main characters as well as their 'targets'. Each of the 12 stories have up to 4 different endings, leaving the player with the choice of 42 different endings + 2 additional endings.

Gameplay Game interaction is extremely limited, as Absolute Obedience is a visual novel. Most of the game consists of reading text and seeing stationary artwork, most of which is yaoi-themed. Each character of the game has a Japanese voice-over actor to supplement the text during conversations between characters.

Absolute Obedience Gameplay Games

Absolute Obedience (a.k.a. Zettai Fukuju Meirei) A Visual Novel / Boys Love Game by Langmaor, it's one of the very few BL games to have been officially released in English (by JAST USA). It stars the beautiful and brutal Louise Hardwich, and his partner Kia WelBehenna as they seduce their way through the male population in post-WW 2 Germany, slowly coming to the realization that maybe they'd rather seduce each other.

The reasons for these seductions vary. Louise runs a small, but exclusive agency where you can hire either of them to punish someone sexually for whatever misdeed you might have imagined. Of course, this rarely works out the way they hoped.

As the seductions continue, increasingly odd scenes appear here and there, hinting that our heroes may not be as in control of the situation as they are of their lovers. What could possibly be going on? Can Kia and Louise ever find true love amidst all this tawdry sex?

Absolute Obedience Gameplay
Tropes used in Absolute Obedience include:
  • Abusive Parents: Physically, emotionally, and sexually! Not all at once, thankfully.
  • Anatomically-Impossible Sex: So many examples it's hard to pick.
  • As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Louise is a female name, and according to Russian naming conventions Barskov doesn't become Barsoukova.
  • Badass: Kia.
  • Big Fancy House: Louise has lots of them, all over Germany.
  • Bishonen: Most of the cast, but Louise is especially beautiful.
  • Black Comedy Rape: The 'D' endings for at least Dirk and Silvio, wherein Kia's screams as the roles are reversed are accompanied by bouncy, lighthearted music and antics like Silvio overdoing it on the lube.
  • Blind Idiot Translation: A very mild example. While the official english tranlation is readable, there are occasionally spelling mistakes and improper grammar.
  • Cold War: The game takes place in West Germany.
  • Everybody Has Lots of Sex: And how.
  • Evil Matriarch: Louise's mom is more uncaring than evil, but she can screw him up like nothing else.
  • Freudian Excuse: Louise at first comes off as sociopathic. By the end of the secret ending, at least he has a reason for it.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: There's an identical scene of 'accepting' each mission right after it's selected that doesn't necessarily gel with Louise or Kia's in-story reaction to it. Also, the A-ratings don't necessarily correspond to fulfilling the ostensible mission objectives - let alone what the clients actually wanted.
  • Good-Looking Privates: Louise, Kia and Lawless.
  • Hair of Gold: played straight with Anel, Ferdinand, and subverted with Louise. The court is out on whether this applies to Lawless.
  • 'It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It': Virtually no one starts off wanting to have sex, yet everyone at very least gets off on it. And with the protagonists, it goes even further.
    • At least one of the 'bad ending' scenarios has the target being relieved that the experience was totally unenjoyable and so painful that he passed out mid-coitus (as opposed to the scene leading to the 'good ending,' where he does come after much pain and suffering). He proceeds to get the heck out of Dodge and take the MacGuffin with him.
  • Legal Jailbait: Two of the targets.
  • Macho Camp: Gallacher gives off this vibe. Generally played for laughs, and he doesn't actually participate in any of the sexual shenanigans.
  • Old Retainer: Gallacher is surprisingly important.
  • Parental Abandonment: If it's not abuse it's this, which leads to...
    • Dark and Troubled Past and Growing Up Sucks: Nobody has a good childhood, ever.
  • Single-Issue Psychology: All the characters other then Kia and Louise, but then again Louise is a bundle of issues.
  • Stepford Smiler: Louise's smiles can get pretty creepy at times.
  • Victim Falls For Rapist: Virtually every single episode, sadly. At least in the good endings.

Absolute Obedience Gameplay 2

The character-specific 'missions' in this game provide examples of:

  • Boys Love Types: Anel and Jens, both of them showing a different shota personality type. (Anel is sweet, innocent and girly, while Jens is an energetic, perverted, Tsundere.)
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Most of Ferdinand's route. Such as the macho-men pushing the swan boat mentioned below.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: In Eduard's bad ending he gets crushed to death by a statue in the church while attempting to repent for what Kia just did to him.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Zhores Barsoukova is practically the living example of this trope. Despite being male.
  • Depraved Homosexual: Martin Adenauer, the client of 'The Gay Man's Trap.' In addition to the mission title (and his plans for the target), Kia specifically notices his public declaration that he will never ever get married.
  • Expy: Werner looks like Lusca after a Palette Swap and an alignment change.
  • Foe Yay: Spoofed with Berti and Hagen.
  • Honey Trap: though the series prefers the term Sweet Trap.
  • Karma Houdini: Alec and Gistarch.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Aside from Louise, there's also the targets, Hagan and Ferdinand.
  • Phantom Thief: Schwarz Kreuz, aka Silvio Wenzel
  • Rape as Drama: In Dirk's 'best' ending, he's kidnapped and gang-raped by the client and his minions and rescued by a possessive Kia, who'd also raped him earlier but who Dirk sees as a positive messiah in comparison.Intimate Psychotherapy ensues. This also happens the other way around to Kia in one of the secret endings, wherein the 'psychotherapist' is Louise.
  • Shotacon: Anel, though he gets aged up in the American release. Yeah like THAT'S eighteen.
  • 'Shut Up' Kiss: Kia did that to Eduard in the middle of his rant.
  • Something About a Rose: Ferdinand, especially during one... interesting sex scene
  • Tsundere: Jens and Ali fit into this trope quite well.
  • Upper Class Twit with a side order of Bishie Sparkle: Ferdinand is one of the wealthiest young nobles in Germany, and does things like have large burly men pedal fake rose-filled swans across the lake to create a romantic atmosphere.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Ferdinand's maids, Franziska.

Absolute Obedience Gameplay Definition

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